Membership defined
The General Body of the Association shall be composed of (a) Ordinary Members (b) Life Members (c) Corporate Members (d) Honorary Members and (e) Student Members
The General Body of the Association shall be composed of (a) Ordinary Members (b) Life Members (c) Corporate Members (d) Honorary Members and (e) Student Members
Persons will be admitted by the Governing Body of the Association as Ordinary on application in the prescribed form. The following shall be eligible for ordinary membership.
(i) Any person, who in the opinion of the Governing Body, is actively interested or concerned with the library and information profession
(ii) Any person, who is or was engaged in teaching or research in such areas
(iii) Persons with professional qualifications can be admitted as ordinary members provided they are willing to volunteer their services and skills for the Association’ s programmers.
(i) Ordinary members can become Life Members after paying the prescribed fee for life membership and on the approval of the Governing Body
(ii) The Council shall have the power to relax the above condition in exceptional cases
Any person can become life member after paying the prescribed fee life for life membership on the approval of the governing Body
The Governing Council, on application in the prescribed form admit on such conditions as may be specified in each case, as a corporate member of the Association, any university department or institution devoted to the cause of library and information profession, and also any statutory corporation.
The governing Body may nominate any person who has rendered valuable service to the Association as an honorary member of the Association.
Students of the library schools ( with recommendation of the concerned Head of the Department ) can become a member of the Association
(i) The subscription for ordinary members shall be Re. 30/- per year
(ii) The subscription for life members shall be Rs. 300/-
(iii) The subscription for corporate members shall be RS. 500/- per Year
(iv) The subscription for student members shall be 15/- per year
(v) In addition to the above, there shall be an admission fee of Rs. 10/- per member for all categories
(vi) Fees and subscription may be revised by the General Body on the recommendation of the Governing Body
(i) An ordinary member shall cease to be a member if he has not paid the membership fee it has become due
(ii) Any member may be removed from membership by the Governing Body if it considers that his continuance as member is prejudicial to the interest of the Association provided that before removing a member he shall be given notice of not less than 3 weeks and he is given an opportunity of making representation against removal.
The Governing Body, on an application in a prescribed form, may re-admit any person depending upon the merit of the case.
To attend and take part in the deliberations of the General Body
To nominate/elect the required member of Governing Body whose number be intimated in advance in the notice
please find KALA Membership Form